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Capital Planning For Elevators, Are You Prepared?

As a property manager, you understand the importance of capital planning and developing the details of a budget, to keep your building running smoothly from year to year. The end of the year is usually spent creating these plans and the budgets that go along with them (often a source of stress due to additional holiday and end-of-year activities).  Even during a pandemic, when just about everything isn’t normal, the end of the year adds more to everyone’s To-Do List. 

But closing out the year and planning for the next one is also an ideal time to think strategically about the lifecycle of your elevator – beyond routine preventive maintenance budgeting – so you can stay ahead of performance and reliability issues that increase over time with aging equipment.

If You Aren’t Ready For Modernization…

Modernization takes months of planning and careful budgeting.  Short of full modernization, are there cost-effective options for improving reliability and performance, that are also sound investments?   Yes, but which options make sense for you are going to be unique to your building, equipment, and capital investment priorities.

Start first with a conversation with your trusted elevator service provider, or an elevator consultant.  For our clients, we perform a comprehensive technical assessment of equipment and elevator service history, including maintenance, callbacks, repairs, state inspections and testing. From this, we have a clear picture of the remaining useful life of the equipment and where issues may be looming. 

Often a phased approach to modernization is a practical way to get ahead of issues and proactively manage aging equipment. We provide our clients with a prioritized road map that they can fit into an annual budget, and use as a guide in their planning for the next few years.  Some of the most common components for targeted upgrades include:

  • Changing from original line starter contacts to a Soft Start. Advantages:
    • Eases the burden on an aging motor, during start operation, extending its life
    • Uses less energy
    • Reduces noise
    • Provides additional phase protection during building power outages
  • Replace an aging valve with a new model. Advantages:
    • Smoother operation and improved performance of the power unit.
  • Plagued by shutdowns during the winter due to cold oil? Add a tank heater to keep the oil warm.
  • Upgrade the entire power unit (tank, motor, valve, pump).
  • Transition to an AC motor (and get rid of your generator-based DC motors!)
  • Upgrade your fixtures
  • Replace the door operator, or, depending on condition and circumstances, upgrade the entire door operating equipment, hardware, and panels.
    • Door equipment takes the brunt of daily operations and is often the primary source of shutdowns and trouble calls.
    • The average lifecycle of door operating equipment is approximately 15 years, due to heavy use, equipment loading/unloading, or when exposed to moisture, as is the case near the shore.
    • If you have been receiving a lot of calls related to door issues, you should consider having a more comprehensive assessment and recommendation.

Another consideration might be to upgrade your cab interior – walls, ceiling, lighting, and flooring.  This doesn’t improve the operational performance of your elevator, but it will add value and send a positive message to tenants, residents, and visitors.

The need to modernize arrives for all elevators at some point. It is a significant investment and the most cost-effective plan is to do it all at the same time.   However, having a basic understanding of other options for managing and investing to improve your situation is beneficial to the near and longer-term capital planning and care of your elevators. If you need a few more years to get ready for modernization, develop a game plan of targeted, strategic upgrades and preventive care to give you the additional time needed to adequately plan and budget for modernization.

Getting Started

Capital planning takes time and the thoughtful consideration and recommendations of your elevator service partner. We are here to help. Give us a call at 856-372-5512 or Contact Us and we’ll respond immediately!